Saturday, June 2, 2012

Virtual World Rocks!

Here's to Batman, sender of the Marguerita's
Well, things have certainly livened up for me in the Virtual World SL.  One night, I ran into the Dark Knight and Lilla9.   Batman was rather entertaining, and provided us with drinks and conversations.  I decided to pass on the good cheer to Tisgirl the next night.  Oddly enough, the drink went to her left hand and she hoisted up her right hand...we couldn't quite figure out why it did not go into the correct hand.  Anyways, she spilled a little, but with the size of the glass that was not a problem.  I also visited ISTE one night and connected to a teacher from Maine who has information to share about virtual worlds she uses that are appropriate for younger kids.  We will connect another time.  Took a tour with the class to library sites Thursday night and learned quite a bit about what can be done in virtual worlds.  I have been building a little, taking some chances and using some patience as I just "learn by doing" which has always been my format.  Here's a picture of the pier I built in the Sandbox area by the water. 

And look, there's the "new look" BAtman with...Tisgirl?  No, Lilla9?  Oh no, do they really look alike....Are they really the same?   Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel......!

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