Sunday, June 10, 2012

Gibson's Grotto Begins!

Yes it is true, Gibson's Grotto has taken a true form.  While still in the construction phase, the Grotto will be open for business soon.  And let me tekll you, building a house FROM SCRATCH is a bugger.......lots of time, effort, but worth it.  After searching for just the right look, I realized nothing would fit my I built it myself.  I tried about 6-8 downloaded houses....I felt like I was terrorizing the neighborhood with some of the structures.....they all seemed to be monstrous, taking over lots of the neighbor's lands!!!!Invading their houses!!!  I would be an outcast forever!  But I have to say, at least a party started on my first structure.....check out the had a hot tub (working) and notice the drinks are already out.....but it was just too industrial for the had to go. So, I will show you how it started and where it is as of today!
first, the floor.
I added working french doors and windows.
The floor was started, I added WORKING french doors, and have been working on the roof! It has been a few days at this point.  don't I look tired?
A roof was started..almost done.
The roof was very hard, but I persisted.  Landscaping is also underway.  After all, it will be the center of the neighborhood, a place to meet and stay tuned, the Grotto is coming!!!


  1. Hi Gibson, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving an comment. It was a pleasure showing you around HH school, especially that you sounded like you were starting to get really interested in SL :). I can see from your blog that you're enjoying it. I saw the sign that you put in front of your build and it made me smile. I got jealous of you and Techno building your houses instead of just putting a ready made one, so I started building. Well, enough to say that for the time being I went back to a the one I bought from the marketplace but I won't give up trying. I think you'll become a great builder soon. You're experimenting and you know what you want to create. I am looking forward to seeing your finished Grotto.

    1. Olive, the Grotto is complete! Come visit as the door is always open! Gibson

  2. Great job for building your own! I just put up the cabin from my inventory and built it on the side of a's a little rustic! But there is a nice ocean view. I was reminded of my least favorite assignment from last semester - Google Sketchup! Just could not get the hang of it! Your grotto looks grand :)

    1. Thank you Morgan, I'll have to see your hillside cabin sometime. Google Sketchup......I will have to check that out. Gibson.
