Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Little of this, a little of that........

Mikenfushdos, fearless warrior shaman, continues on his quests as he achieves Level 16.....a force to be reckoned with now....will he ever meet Gibson, suave SL avatar who scuba dives, parachutes, and zip lines through jungle kingdoms and flying dragon-filled floating islands?  And then there was Grandma's party...Gibson did so well, he forgot to pick up Grandma for her own birthday party!  A visit to Poem's this week and working with her students from Uruguay on their English: Gibson, the volunteer concierge in the virtual hotel lobby......How could on avatar ever do so much in one week?  Virtual Worlds, of course.  Limitless energy, many lives, broad horizons.......How shall I use what I learned for my elementary students?   Open Sim, Jokaydia.....more to explore...........


  1. Gibson/Mikenfushdos,

    You are one busy guy. I'm intrigued by your zip line adventures and scuba diving. Usually, in SL, I teleport, fly and walk where I need to go. I'm going to need to try some of your exciting activities.

    I see you mentioned JokaydiaGrid - have you tried it out yet? I tried and was disappointed to find I remained an amorphous being the whole time I was there. I couldn't adjust any clothing, or looks. I could, however, make objects - just like SL. I put in a "help" ticket but have yet to hear back from them.

    1. Ok, Sally I'll invite you to visit my place and I promise my students and I will tour you to the Acquarium, so you can also get your scuba diving suit and of course we talke to scuba dive, what else can we do with a scuba diving suit!!!

  2. As Sally said you're a very busy guy, travelling, volunteering, scuba diving. I think you've never imagined to have such a busy social life!!!

    Gibson, thank you so much for your time with my students. You're not only a busy guy, but a very kind one. My students love to have you at the FVet Project. You're always very welcome.

    You've done such a good job here in your blog. Pls, visit mine and watch all the pics I've posted there with you working with my students.
