Saturday, June 30, 2012

WOW! and SL!

Well, this week has been interesting for sure.  I have reached level 10 in WOW, died in the game probably 30 times by now, but I notice that I get back to my dwarf body very quickly these days.  Maybe a benefit of leveling up?  I also have more powers, and lots of cool lightening things to battle with.  Still working on talking with people on using these types of games with elementary students as the games seem to have young teens and up as their audience...not that younger kids are not playing, just that it would not work in a school setting quite the same.  Lots of educational potential, but a bit of a paradigm change would be needed from all involved.  I also explored a bit in SL this week.  I like to show these explorations in this blog, so here are some pictures I took from Isle of Wisteria, which includes many floating islands of very different natures.  Surfed on a flying dragon in the sky, took a ride in a dragon boat, and moved from island to island on a zip how cool is that!

So there you have it.   My continuing saga of life in Virtual Worlds.....!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Well, this week I spent a lot of time in WOW.  Probably way too much, but I am a level 8 now, with all kinds of cool powers.  Also,  got to ride in a helicopter thing as the pictures will show.  Unfortunately, there is a large chat caption in the middle of the second one.  I died probably 12 or more times trying to do the quests, which I think were over 12.  I have been doing 2-3 at a time.  WOW seems to have more draw for older students with all the "violent" activities.  But not for me to use with 4th or 5th graders. I also did some time in SL, talked with new friends Jos and Sax last night,  Sax is a firefighter, Jos is a laser "physicist".  We had a nice conversation about what we do for a living.  We also went to a Botannical Garden of sorts in SL.  Nice trees, etc for sale...expensive.  I have been researching how to get into 3D for elementary students.  Went to a Poptropica 3d site...kind of babyish though, would prefer to work in a more sertious environment where they would take it more seriously, but no adult content!  Open Simulation, Reactive Grid have been discussed with various people, trying to connect to someone again about how to set up the Open Sim I downloaded...will see what happens.  Lots of potential overall for teching and learning in virtual environments...just need safe environment without silly little bears and cutesy avatars....!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Life ended in WOW...I'm a ghost!

The group gathers in WOW!
Ok, on the list of things I did this week?  Completed Gibson's Grotto, did two sessions in WOW, and basically became very busy with everything.  So, how about some pictures of the house and my WOW adventures?                      See that I had my first visitor: Batman (as the Joker).  Anyways, the house is done, the WOW adventures have started, and the pace is incredibly fast and full.  Doing lots in this course, seem to always be busy but swamped as well.  MAny directions to go, only one of me to direct...Arrrgh!  Loving it all, still hanging cool with it, want to learn as much as I can. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Gibson's Grotto Begins!

Yes it is true, Gibson's Grotto has taken a true form.  While still in the construction phase, the Grotto will be open for business soon.  And let me tekll you, building a house FROM SCRATCH is a bugger.......lots of time, effort, but worth it.  After searching for just the right look, I realized nothing would fit my I built it myself.  I tried about 6-8 downloaded houses....I felt like I was terrorizing the neighborhood with some of the structures.....they all seemed to be monstrous, taking over lots of the neighbor's lands!!!!Invading their houses!!!  I would be an outcast forever!  But I have to say, at least a party started on my first structure.....check out the had a hot tub (working) and notice the drinks are already out.....but it was just too industrial for the had to go. So, I will show you how it started and where it is as of today!
first, the floor.
I added working french doors and windows.
The floor was started, I added WORKING french doors, and have been working on the roof! It has been a few days at this point.  don't I look tired?
A roof was started..almost done.
The roof was very hard, but I persisted.  Landscaping is also underway.  After all, it will be the center of the neighborhood, a place to meet and stay tuned, the Grotto is coming!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Virtual World Rocks!

Here's to Batman, sender of the Marguerita's
Well, things have certainly livened up for me in the Virtual World SL.  One night, I ran into the Dark Knight and Lilla9.   Batman was rather entertaining, and provided us with drinks and conversations.  I decided to pass on the good cheer to Tisgirl the next night.  Oddly enough, the drink went to her left hand and she hoisted up her right hand...we couldn't quite figure out why it did not go into the correct hand.  Anyways, she spilled a little, but with the size of the glass that was not a problem.  I also visited ISTE one night and connected to a teacher from Maine who has information to share about virtual worlds she uses that are appropriate for younger kids.  We will connect another time.  Took a tour with the class to library sites Thursday night and learned quite a bit about what can be done in virtual worlds.  I have been building a little, taking some chances and using some patience as I just "learn by doing" which has always been my format.  Here's a picture of the pier I built in the Sandbox area by the water. 

And look, there's the "new look" BAtman with...Tisgirl?  No, Lilla9?  Oh no, do they really look alike....Are they really the same?   Tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel......!